[Cuis-dev] Hello, new Cuis smalltalk user here!

Juan Vuletich juan at jvuletich.org
Tue Jul 20 12:17:36 PDT 2021

Hi Joseph,

On 7/19/2021 8:40 AM, Joseph Turco via Cuis-dev wrote:
> Its the cog version, not stack. By lag btw I mean dragging windows are 
> choppy. Typing is not as real time as it should me. Its the latest 
> version on the opensmalltalk git

Ok. The cog version from opensmalltalk is the fastest.

One thing you can try is to evaluate

          Preferences slowMachine

This disables some things that are nice to have, but it gives better 
response on a slow machine. After that, do

         self runningWorld color: Color veryLightGray; hideTaskbar

to remove the expensive taskbar, and for a more tolerable background 
color. You might still prefer to enable syntax highlighting:

         Preferences enable: #syntaxHighlightingAsYouType

Additionally, this might further improve performance:

         Preferences disable: #subPixelRenderColorFonts

Besides, 512mb ram is less than ideal. Please check how much ram you 
have free when starting cuis. Perhaps we can help reduce it a bit if needed.

I never used a RasPI zero, but I find Cuis usable on a RasPI3B, if the 
cog VM is used. I hope this helps.


Juan Vuletich

> Sent from ProtonMail mobile
> -------- Original Message --------
> On Jul 19, 2021, 7:37 AM, Bruce O'Neel < bruce.oneel at pckswarms.ch> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     Just out of interest the Cog interpreter rather than the stack
>     one?  The Cog one is a JIT and much faster.
>     squeak -version
>     will tell you this.  Send it to me if it is unclear.
>     cheers
>     bruce
>     On 2021-07-19T13:32:20.000+02:00, Joseph Turco
>     <jturk90 at protonmail.com> wrote:
>         Yeah see I think that's my problem. Its a RPI zero w. 512mb
>         ram and a single core 1ghz processor. I guess it needs a RPI
>         3b+ and faster. Oh well I guess its smalltalk-80 for now.
>         Sent from ProtonMail mobile

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