[Cuis-dev] Usability with menu and focus
Hilaire Fernandes
hilaire at drgeo.eu
Sat Jun 19 14:13:19 PDT 2021
I noted when a popup menu is opened over a browser pane, when the user
click away from the menu to close it without selecting any menu item,
the keyboard focus does not get back to the browser pane. Then if you
scroll with the mouse wheel, it does not work. It is annoying in DrGeo too.
I made this small change set to fix it. The focus is restored only when
a menu is closed without action, not when deleted which may cause
trouble if the user choice opens a dialog with kbd focus.
GNU Dr. Geo
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'From Cuis 5.0 [latest update: #4636] on 19 June 2021 at 11:08:05 pm'!
!classDefinition: #MenuMorph category: #'Morphic-Menus'!
WidgetMorph subclass: #MenuMorph
instanceVariableNames: 'defaultTarget selectedItem stayUp titleMorph activeSubMenu popUpOwner prevMouseFocus prevKbdFocus '
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Morphic-Menus'!
!MenuMorph methodsFor: 'control' stamp: 'hlsf 6/19/2021 22:50:33'!
popUpAt: aPoint forHand: hand allowKeyboard: aBoolean
"Present this menu at the given point under control of the given hand."
| evt |
self items isEmpty ifTrue: [^self].
self addBlankIconsIfNecessary.
(self submorphs select: [ :m | m is: #UpdatingMenuItemMorph ])
do: [ :m | m updateContents].
self runningWorld addMorphFront: self position: aPoint - `2 @ 8`.
self fitInWorld.
"Acquire focus for valid pop up behavior"
prevKbdFocus _ hand keyboardFocus.
prevMouseFocus _ hand mouseFocus.
hand newMouseFocus: self.
aBoolean ifTrue: [ hand newKeyboardFocus: self ].
evt _ hand lastMouseEvent.
(evt isKeyboard or: [ evt isMouse and: [ evt anyButtonPressed not ]])
ifTrue: [
"Select first item if button not down"
self moveSelectionDown: 1 event: evt ]! !
!MenuMorph methodsFor: 'control' stamp: 'hlsf 6/19/2021 22:50:09'!
popUpAt: aPoint forHand: hand in: aWorld allowKeyboard: aBoolean
"Present this menu at the given point under control of the given hand."
self items isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^self ].
self addBlankIconsIfNecessary.
(self submorphs select: [ :m | m is: #UpdatingMenuItemMorph])
do: [ :m | m updateContents].
aWorld addMorphFront: self position: aPoint - `2 @ 8`.
self fitInWorld.
"Acquire focus for valid pop up behavior"
prevKbdFocus _ hand keyboardFocus.
prevMouseFocus _ hand mouseFocus.
hand newMouseFocus: self.
aBoolean ifTrue: [ hand newKeyboardFocus: self ]! !
!MenuMorph methodsFor: 'events' stamp: 'hlsf 6/19/2021 23:05:11'!
mouseButton1Down: aMouseButtonEvent localPosition: localEventPosition
"Handle a mouse down event."
(stayUp or: [ self fullContainsGlobalPoint: aMouseButtonEvent eventPosition ])
ifFalse: [
self deleteIfPopUp: aMouseButtonEvent.
self activeHand
newKeyboardFocus: prevKbdFocus;
newMouseFocus: prevMouseFocus.
^ self ]. "click outside"
"Grab the menu and drag it to some other place
This is reimplemented here because we handle the event, and if the following lines are commented, a menu can't be grabbed with the hand. This is not nice and shouldn't be needed"
self isSticky ifTrue: [ ^self ].
aMouseButtonEvent hand grabMorph: self! !
!MenuMorph methodsFor: 'events' stamp: 'hlsf 6/19/2021 23:05:34'!
mouseButton1Up: aMouseButtonEvent localPosition: localEventPosition
"Handle a mouse up event.
Note: This might be sent from a modal shell."
(self fullContainsGlobalPoint: aMouseButtonEvent eventPosition) ifFalse:[
"Mouse up outside. Release eventual focus and delete if pop up."
aMouseButtonEvent hand ifNotNil: [ :h | h releaseMouseFocus: self ].
self deleteIfPopUp: aMouseButtonEvent.
self activeHand
newKeyboardFocus: prevKbdFocus;
newMouseFocus: prevMouseFocus.
^ self].
stayUp ifFalse: [
"Still in pop-up transition; keep focus"
aMouseButtonEvent hand newMouseFocus: self ]! !
!MenuMorph methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'hlsf 6/19/2021 23:01:58'!
activeSubMenu ifNotNil: [activeSubMenu delete].
self itemsDo: [ :i | i deselect ].
super delete.! !
!classDefinition: #MenuMorph category: #'Morphic-Menus'!
WidgetMorph subclass: #MenuMorph
instanceVariableNames: 'defaultTarget selectedItem stayUp titleMorph activeSubMenu popUpOwner prevKbdFocus prevMouseFocus'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Morphic-Menus'!
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