[Cuis-dev] Show Morphs halos from object explorer

Mariano Montone marianomontone at gmail.com
Tue Jun 29 09:59:15 PDT 2021

El 29/6/21 a las 13:45, Nicolás Papagna Maldonado escribió:
> e.g. why restrict ourselves to just one inspector? We could ask all
> available inspectors if they are able to inspect a given object,
> removing the responsibility from the object and putting that on the
> inspectors.

Yes. That would be great IMO. But we would need some solution that is
extensible, of course. And as you suggest, this problem appears in lots
of places, in a slightly different form.

It'd be great if we could find some sort of pattern for these. Perhaps
multiple dispatch + package categories for extensibility.

In Common Lisp you have generic functions with multiple dispatch, and
methods don't belong to classes, and so everything is more easily
extensible. Perhaps mimicking that machinery in some way in Smalltalk,
but I think it could get complicated.



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