[Cuis-dev] Extract Method Enhancements

Hernan Wilkinson hernan.wilkinson at 10pines.com
Sun Sep 5 19:19:36 PDT 2021

Hi all!
 attached is a cs that enhances the extract method refactoring with its
 With this version if the code to extract is in other places in the same
method, other methods of the class or other methods in the hierarchy, it
shows you all those potential places to extract the selected code too. You
can choose those to replace.
 Looking for other places to extract the code uses string comparison, so
the exact same code is suggested to extract, not the same pattern.


<https://10pines.com/>Hernán WilkinsonSoftware Developer, Teacher & Coach

Alem 896, Floor 6, Buenos Aires, Argentina

+54 11 6091 3125

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