[Cuis-dev] WorldMenu class as Preference
Hilaire Fernandes
hfern at free.fr
Thu Aug 4 07:30:36 PDT 2022
A change set to replace the #desktopWorldTitle preference by #worldMenu.
Its value is a class to ask for the menu, by default set to TheWorldMenu.
Added to TheWorldMenu class the protocol #getMenuIn:at: to request the
world menu. Moved code to match object responsibilities and to improve
To change the World menu, the user change the #worldMenu preferences to
another class who understands the protocol #getMenuIn:at:
I added a postscript to the changeset to set the #worldMenu preference.
I never used postscript before, so I hope it works at installation.
GNU Dr. Geo
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'From Cuis 6.0 [latest update: #5434] on 4 August 2022 at 4:20:39 pm'!
!TheWorldMenu class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'hlsf 8/4/2022 16:20:05'!
getMenuIn: aWorld at: anActiveHand
^ (self new :: world: self hand: self activeHand)
buildWorldMenu! !
!PreferenceSet class methodsFor: 'sys data' stamp: 'hlsf 8/4/2022 16:10:05'!
^ #( #(allowNonLocalReturnsInExceptionHandlers true )
#(askConfirmationOnQuit true )
#(askToInstallComplexPackage true )
#(automaticPlatformSettings true )
#(autoNumberUserChanges true )
#(caseSensitiveFinds false )
#(changeSetVersionNumbers true )
#(checkForSlips true )
#(checkLostChangesOnStartUp false )
#(cmdDotEnabled true )
#(cmdDotInterruptTakesStatistics false )
#(dismissAllOnOptionClose false )
#(initialFileListDirectories #roots #(root image vm current) )
#(machine default #(default slow smalltalk80) machine: )
#(pointer mouse #(touch mouse) pointer:)
#(selectionsMayShrink true )
#(serverMode false )
#(systemWindowEmbedOK false )
#(transcriptLogVerbose true )
#(userChangesFileNameExtension '.user.changes' )
#(warnAboutNonLocalReturnsInExceptionHandlers false )
#(warnIfNoChangesFile true )
#(warnIfNoSourcesFile true )
)! !
!PreferenceSet class methodsFor: 'sys preference' stamp: 'hlsf 8/4/2022 15:59:48'!
" Preference value defined with closure. We could insert in a dynamic array...
Preference with event handler "
self sysPreferences
name: #haloHandleSize
category: #gui
value: [(Preferences at: #standardListFont) pointSize * 5 // 3 max: 16];
name: #roundedButtonRadius
category: #gui
value: [(Preferences at: #standardListFont) pointSize * 8 // 14];
name: #roundedWindowRadius
category: #gui
value: [(Preferences at: #standardListFont) pointSize] ;
name: #scrollbarThickness
category: #gui
value: [(Preferences at: #windowTitleFont) pointSize + 2];
name: #classFinder
category: #programming
value: [ BrowserWindow findClass ];
name: #defaultAuthorName
category: #programming
value: [Utilities authorName];
name: #worldMenu
category: #system
value: TheWorldMenu ! !
!WorldMorph methodsFor: 'world menu' stamp: 'hlsf 8/4/2022 16:20:07'!
"Put up the world menu, triggered by the passed-in event.
Perhaps a good place to disable it if needed"
| menu |
menu _ (Preferences at: #worldMenu) getMenuIn: self at: self activeHand.
menu popUpInWorld: self! !
!TheWorldMenu methodsFor: 'construction' stamp: 'hlsf 8/4/2022 16:08:32'!
"Build the menu that is put up when the screen-desktop is clicked on"
^(DynamicMenuBuilder buildTargeting: self collectingMenuOptionsWith: #worldMenuOptions)
addTitle: 'World';
! !
!methodRemoval: TheWorldMenu class #getMenuIn:with: stamp: 'hlsf 8/4/2022 16:20:10'!
TheWorldMenu class removeSelector: #getMenuIn:with:!
!methodRemoval: TheWorldMenu class #world:hand: stamp: 'hlsf 8/4/2022 16:20:13'!
TheWorldMenu class removeSelector: #world:hand:!
!methodRemoval: PreferenceSet class #desktopMenuTitle stamp: 'hlsf 8/4/2022 15:45:31'!
PreferenceSet class removeSelector: #desktopMenuTitle!
!PreferenceSet class reorganize!
('sys data' iconicHaloSpecifications machineDefault machineSlow machineSmalltalk80 prefFont prefGui prefProgramming prefSystem)
('sys preference' init installDefault:in: installHaloPreferencesWith: installMiscPreferences sysPreferences)
('sys fonts' fontSizes setDefaultFont: setDefaultFont:spec:)
('sys event handlers' assignmentGlyph: defaultFontSize: machine: pointer:)
('file list' isInitialFileListDirectory:)
('services' openPreferencesInspector)
!TheWorldMenu reorganize!
('commands' cleanUpWorld disableFocusFollowsMouse enableFocusFollowsMouse fullScreenOff fullScreenOn garbageCollect newMorphOfClass:event: quitSession saveWorldInFile splitNewMorphList:depth: startMessageTally vmStatistics)
('construction' alphabeticalMorphMenu buildWorldMenu newMorph)
('mechanics' menu: myWorld world:hand:)
('menu' openCommentGuide openPackageDownloader openTerseGuide)
('popups' doPopUp:)
('private' pvtAlphaSplitListDepth pvtCategorySplitListDepth pvtMaxItemsPerCategorySubMenu pvtNewMenuForSplitLists:)
!TheWorldMenu class reorganize!
('menu building' additionalMenuOptions changesLabel changesMenuOptions debugLabel debugMenuOptions helpLabel helpMenuOptions openLabel preferencesLabel preferencesMenuOptions windowsLabel windowsMenuOptions worldMainMenuOptions worldMenuOptions)
('instance creation' getMenuIn:at:)
Install the the desktop menu title as a preference entry"
Preferences name: #worldMenu category: #system value: TheWorldMenu.
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