[Cuis-dev] [IMPROV] DND Support For PluggableListMorphOfMany
Gerald Klix
cuis.01 at klix.ch
Wed Aug 10 06:02:55 PDT 2022
Hi all, Hi Juan,
please find enclosed a patch that enables
drag and drop support for PluggableListMorphOfMany.
The behavior is only activated when the
morph accepts drops. Multiple selections
by moving the mouse can still be achieved
by pressing the shift key before starting
to drag.
HTH and Best Regards,
-------------- next part --------------
'From Haver 6.0 [latest update: #5441] on 10 August 2022 at 2:54:53 pm'!
!PluggableListMorphOfMany methodsFor: 'events' stamp: 'KLG 8/10/2022 14:50:03'!
mouseButton1Down: aMouseButtonEvent localPosition: localEventPosition
| oldIndex oldVal row w |
self hasKeyboardFocus ifFalse: [
aMouseButtonEvent hand newKeyboardFocus: self ].
row _ self rowAtLocation: localEventPosition.
row = 0 ifTrue: [
^super mouseButton1Down: aMouseButtonEvent localPosition: localEventPosition ].
"Highlight the row to be selected, for immediate user feedback in case the model takes a while to update the view."
scroller highlightedRow: row.
w _ self owningWindow.
(w isNil or: [ w okToChange ]) ifTrue: [ "No change if model is locked"
"Set meaning for subsequent dragging of selection"
dragOnOrOff _ (self listSelectionAt: row) not.
dragStartRow _ row.
oldIndex _ self getCurrentSelectionIndex.
oldIndex ~= 0 ifTrue: [oldVal _ self listSelectionAt: oldIndex].
"Different from PluggableListMorph. There, we highlight on mouse down, and act on mouse up.
Here, we act on mouse down, because we support dragging of selection, so mouse up will
only happen after user is finished dragging. In order to get the highlight visible for the user,
update the model on next world cycle."
UISupervisor whenUIinSafeState: [
"Set or clear new primary selection (listIndex)"
dragOnOrOff == true
ifTrue: [self setSelectionIndex: row]
ifFalse: [self setSelectionIndex: 0].
"Need to restore the old one, due to how model works, and set new one."
oldIndex ~= 0 ifTrue: [self listSelectionAt: oldIndex put: oldVal].
self listSelectionAt: row put: dragOnOrOff ].
aMouseButtonEvent hand
waitForClicksOrDragOrSimulatedMouseButton2: self
event: aMouseButtonEvent
clkSel: nil
clkNHalf: nil
dblClkSel: #doubleClick:localPosition:
dblClkNHalfSel: nil
tripleClkSel: nil
dragSel: (
aMouseButtonEvent shiftPressed ifFalse: [
(self valueOfProperty: #allowsItemDrag) = true
ifTrue: [ #dragEvent:localPosition: ] ifFalse: [ nil ] ])! !
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