[Cuis-dev] White VM window
Hilaire Fernandes
hfern at free.fr
Thu Aug 18 13:38:38 PDT 2022
Le 17/08/2022 à 19:21, Juan Vuletich a écrit :
> btw, I have no clue what -tracestores is about. Any docs?
The VM -help gives little information:
-tracestores enable store tracing (assert check stores)
> What happens if you postpone the setup / startup of DrGeo to until the
> GUI is ready? For example, instead of
I emptied the DrGeo start up sequence, so the image can start and an
interesting error pop up. VectorCanvas tries to initialize itself and it
fails while searching for Deja Vu font. It results VectorGraphics is not
properly installed. For example Windows can't be rotated.
VectorCanvas class>>initialize
| family folder |
(Smalltalk at: #VectorEngineWithPlugin) isPluginAvailable ifFalse: [
Feature require: 'VectorEngineInSmalltalk' ].
UISupervisor whenUIinSafeState: [
(FontFamily familyNamed: FontFamily defaultFamilyName)
isTrueTypeFontFamily ifFalse: [
folder _ DirectoryEntry smalltalkImageDirectory /
'TrueTypeFonts' / 'DejaVu' / 'DejaVuSans'.
family _ FontFamily familyNamed: (TrueTypeFontFamily read:
folder) anyOne.
PreferenceSet setDefaultFont: family familyName.
FontFamily enableTrueTypeFontsOnly ].
(VectorEngineWithPlugin isPluginAvailable
ifTrue: [ MorphicCanvas activeSubclass: VectorCanvas ]
ifFalse: [
'VectorEnginePlugin (VM plugin) is not available.
HybridCanvas will be activated.' print.
MorphicCanvas activeSubclass: HybridCanvas ]) ].
Of course this font folder arrangement is not found in the DrGeo bundle,
I have a different one. I could create the same but may be we want
something more flexible.
Two errors
Now thinking again of the DrGeo start up sequence, it is mostly font
| fontFile |
fontFile _ self fontPath // DrGeoSystem fontFile.
TrueTypeFontFamily readTrueTypeFontEntry: fontFile.
PreferenceSet setDefaultFont: DrGeoSystem fontName.
Preferences at: #guiElementsSize put: #standardFonts
I will test it in UI deferred block.
GNU Dr. Geo
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