[Cuis-dev] Proposals for Community meeting!

Nicola Mingotti nmingotti at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 06:14:37 PST 2022

On 2/2/22 20:32, Juan Vuletich via Cuis-dev wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> (below)
> On 1/31/2022 3:13 PM, Hilaire Fernandes via Cuis-dev wrote:
>> Hi,
>> There is enough interest for recurring meetings, in a 30 min format 😎
>> We could start with a "What's new?" meeting where Juan will present 
>> what is new in Cuis. We could have several such meeting per year.
>> But before we may want to write down a list of meeting, to publish on 
>> Cuis web site ahead and other places.
>> If you have written or ported a package to Cuis, it could be a very 
>> interesting meeting topic, to discover new domain.
>> If you teach Cuis, we will be interested to know about your 
>> experience and share through Q&A.
>> If you are developing an application, yeah it will be interesting to 
>> know about your experience.
>> If you want to share some experience with Cuis on a given topic, then 
>> teach us, cool.
>> If you are developing or want to run a business based on Cuis, many 
>> will be interested.
>> The subjects to cover are vast, only limited by our desire to share.
>> It will be nice to write down a list covering one year, about 10-12 
>> meetings.
>> So please make proposals, several!
>> Thanks
>> Hilaire
> Took a look at the preliminary list at 
> http://www.cuis-smalltalk.org/community
> I think the 'What's new?' should a a bit less, not more than 3 or 4 
> per year.
> Also, I don't think I'd host them. I have little involvement on most 
> of the interesting things that are going on in and around Cuis, I want 
> to listen more and talk less in them. Maybe a week before each `What's 
> new?` meeting we could allocate divide the 30 minutes in several short 
> slots for anybody willing to tell about what's new from them, i.e. 
> anything they think it is worth telling and has happened after the 
> previous 'what's new?'.
> WRT to the planned talks, I suggest adding one from you, Hilaire about 
> DrGeo. Repeating stuff published elsewhere is ok. These talks are 
> about raising awareness in the community about the stuff we are 
> already doing. I'd also like to tell more about some things I did with 
> Cuis that I haven't shown much in recent times. So, this is my 
> proposal, adding and reordering as It pleases me today. Just an 
> opinion! In any case, Hilaire, as you are who suggested this in the 
> first place, the ordering of the list is your call. Anyway:
> - What's new. The community. To be done perhaps 3 times a year, i.e. 
> repeating after 3 regular meetings.
> - Hernán Wilkinson - LiveTyping. Introduction to the concept. 
> Possibilities. Demo.
> - Gerald Klix - Haver part I. A Cuis based Smalltalk With Modules.
> - Ken Dickey - Bézier curves. Manipulate Bézier curves with Morph 
> through end-point and control-point handles to the HaloMorph.
> - Hilaire Fernandes - DrGeo. Short introduction to the objective and 
> concepts. Demo.
> - Gerald Klix - Haver part II. A Cuis based Smalltalk With Modules.
> - Hernán Wilkinson - Teaching Cuis. How we teach OO using Smalltalk 
> (DenotativeObjects, etc).
> - Nicola Mingotti - Cuis on BeagleBone. Commercial Cuis application 
> running on a touch screen GUI in a BeagleBone.
> - Juan Vuletich - Image processing.
> - Hernán Wilkinson - Demo and mini tutorial on Automatic Refactoring.
> - Nicola Mingotti - Web application on Cuis.
> - Hernán Wilkinson - Refactoring with Cuis. A demo of all the 
> refactoring tools we have right now and the ones we are working on.
> - Dave Lewis - How to write a simple VM plugin in Cuis.
> - Juan Vuletich - Cartography, panet wide datasets and satellite image 
> rectification.
> - Hernán Wilkinson - The Spotlight. Very useful tool written by 
> Nicolás Papagna Maldonado.
> - Juan Vuletich - Sound and music in Cuis.
> - Hernán Wilkinson - Extract Method Object refactoring.
> - Hernán Wilkinson - TDD Guru. A tool to see how well you are doing TDD.
> - Hernán Wilkinson - Code Coverage tool. Nico Papagna.
> There are many other projects, of course. Authors, please sign up for 
> a slot!
> Thanks,

Hi guys, it is a great list !!!!!

I couldn't answer to Hilaire when he asked me about the title, sorry, i 
am really busy.

Maybe I would change : "Commercial Cuis application running on a touch 
screen GUI in a BeagleBone. "

with : "Developing a Cuis application in an embedded device with a 
little touchscreen, traps & pitfalls"


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