[Cuis-dev] Online help via Erudite

Mariano Montone marianomontone at gmail.com
Wed Feb 9 06:31:02 PST 2022

El 9/2/22 a las 11:07, Hernan Wilkinson escribió:
>     But.. I wish there were a way of having semi-dynamic menus. A way of
>     building a menu statically first, like the Help menu is now. But also
>     reserve a part of the menu for extension. You could use the
>     DynamicMenuBuilder for collecting menu items, but it would not build
>     the
>     menu from scratch, it would add the collected menu items to an already
>     existing menu.
> That should not be difficult to do, but why do you need that? what would 
> be the use case?

I would like to be able to implement menus using a Dictionary spec or 
other calling methods.
Then call DynamicMenuBuilder to collect extra menu items and forget 
about it.



menu := MenuMorph new
	   addItemsFromDictionaries: ...

DynamicMenuBuilder extendMenu: menu using: #myMenuItems.

^ menu

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