[Cuis-dev] [Cuis 6] Startup script

Hilaire Fernandes hilaire at drgeo.eu
Mon Jan 3 12:46:34 PST 2022

This is run as described in the Cuis Book 

I tried the third option for a startup script:

| list  |
"Delete all windows but the taskbar"
WorldMorph allInstancesDo: [:w | list := w submorphs reject: [:aMorph | 
aMorph is: #TaskbarMorph]].
list do: [:each | each delete].

It does not work when invoked at startup as the argument of the -s 
option. When copied and pasted in Cuis6 Workspace, it works though.


Le 03/01/2022 à 15:40, Juan Vuletich a écrit :
> I'm not sure how you are running this, but I see two different ways to 
> query for the world: `UISupervisor ui` and `self runningWorld`. At the 
> early phase of start up these could fail, and maybe `WorldMorph 
> allInstancesDo: [ :w | w doStuff ]` is safer.
> In any case, I didn't change any of this for Cuis 6. But maybe some 
> changes in the recent morph hierarchy reorganization is the reason.

GNU Dr. Geo

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