[Cuis-dev] BaseImageTests for 5302

ken.dickey at whidbey.com ken.dickey at whidbey.com
Fri Jun 24 17:13:04 PDT 2022

On 2022-06-23 17:48, Juan Vuletich via Cuis-dev wrote:

> Ok. I see now. It looks like in slow hardware Morphic takes all CPU
> and doesn't leave enough time to run the tests quickly. Please try
> this version of the test:
> testValueWithinTimingBasic
>     "Test timing of valueWithin:onTimeout:"
>     | time |
>     [
>         time := [
>             [1000 milliSeconds asDelay wait]
>                 valueWithin: 100 milliSeconds onTimeout: []
>         ] durationToRun.
>         self assert: time < 200 milliSeconds.
>     ] forkAt: Processor userInterruptPriority.
> I believe this could do the trick. And actually that something like
> 110 or 120 milliseconds could be enough, never requiring 200
> milliseconds.

With this applied (attached) all tests pass but the

If I apply the same forkAt: that test also passes.


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