[Cuis-dev] FlatFileList

Mariano Montone marianomontone at gmail.com
Mon May 9 07:13:01 PDT 2022

El 9/5/22 a las 11:07, Luciano Notarfrancesco escribió:
> Cool, it looks very nice and clean!

:) Thanks. There's room for improvement, though.

> Is this intended to be included in the base image? To replace 
> FileList? Or can be a package? Or should the current FileList become a 
> package instead?

I don't know ... but I do know that it is too early to replace Cuis 
FileList. Needs more work.

It is a package at the moment. I'll include in the list of packages of 
PackageDownloder tool now.

> I’ve been wondering for a while now how to deal with a growing image. 
> Maybe it’s not a concern for most people, but IMHO everything that 
> doesn’t absolutely need to be included in the base image should be a 
> package, and I include in that category many of the tooling that is 
> currently in the image. But a contribution that is not included in the 
> base image might feel under appreciated. I’ve been thinking that might 
> be good to have a list of packages that are automatically loaded on 
> image startup after asking the user, like Squeak does. Or have a 
> “standard distribution” image that comes with some core packages 
> installed. So some very useful packages could be put among those core 
> packages that form the standard distribution. And maybe we could move 
> out of the image some of the tools like SUnit, ObjectExplorer, etc. 
> Also in this way we would enforce modularity and end up with a base 
> image that changes less often, and also having simpler tools in the 
> base image would make it easier for people to make their own tools as 
> they wish (and this is a typical thing Smalltalkers like to do, I 
> think, as Stephen did with the 6 paned browser). It’s just an idea, 
> it’s not my place to make this kind of choices but I thought I’d share 
> my thoughts. Does anyone else wish to have a smaller and simpler base 
> image? If so, what are your ideas as for how to implement it?

I have not thought about this, so I don't have any feedback for you 
about this, yet ...



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