[Cuis-dev] FlatFileList

Juan Vuletich JuanVuletich at zoho.com
Fri May 13 15:20:47 PDT 2022


Understanding and improving on any bottlenecks is important!


On 5/8/2022 10:07 AM, Mariano Montone via Cuis-dev wrote:
> Hi Luciano,
> El 8/5/22 a las 04:00, Luciano Notarfrancesco escribió:
>> Hi Mariano,
>> Do you know why exactly the original file list was slow and why this 
>> is faster? Can we improve the performance of the current file list or 
>> the HierarchicalListMorph in general?
> I have not strictly measured, so I'm not sure if the problem is the 
> widget or the disk access, or a bit of both. Also, I've noticed that 
> my flat file browser is a bit slower for some of my directories than 
> others. I guess it has to do with directory size.
> Also, my machine is quite slow, and with a quite deep file structure;  
> perhaps not everybody has this problem.
>> And why did you find the need to subclass InnerListMorph and 
>> PluggableListMorph and add the instance variable itemPrinter? 
>> Originally PluggableListMorph is designed to get a list of strings 
>> from the model, and on selection it tells the model the selected 
>> index in the list. It seems that so far we didn’t have the need to 
>> allow arbitrary objects in the lists and using just strings was 
>> enough. I wonder if we can do the same here, and otherwise if we 
>> should make the PluggableListMorph “even more pluggable” by allowing 
>> arbitrary objects as items and avoid adding those two special 
>> subclasses with itemPrinting.
> Yes. I've done this many times. I really, really want to work with the 
> underlying objects, not the strings. For example, the flat file 
> browser displays only the name of the file entries, not the full path. 
> Also, I'm considering using something like <filename> - <date> - 
> <size> .. I wouldn't want to have to parse FileEntries back from those 
> string representations..
> Now that I think about it, I could use PluggableListMorph with some 
> ItemWrapper with the custom printing, instead of subclassing the list 
> morph, but still, it would be another inconvenience having to 
> wrap/unwrap.
> I have an extension of PluggableListMorph in another package that 
> supports both itemPrinting and icons. I often use that in my projects; 
> not this time, as I didn't want to introduce a package dependency.
> So, yes, making PluggableListMorph more pluggable would be something 
> worth considering IMO.
> Cheers,
> Mariano
>> On Sun, 8 May 2022 at 8:52 AM Mariano Montone via Cuis-dev 
>> <cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st <mailto:cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st>> wrote:
>>     Hello,
>>     I've started a FlatFileList tool, a file browser that uses a flat
>>     directory list instead of a directory tree as the default Cuis file
>>     browser does.
>>     https://bitbucket.org/mmontone/mold/raw/master/FlatFileList.pck.st
>>     Open via world menu: "open" -> "Flat File List".
>>     Use double click to open a directory, and visualize files.
>>     Right click for changing sort order, and file specific functions
>>     (file
>>     in, install, etc).
>>     You can also enter a directory path directly in the text input on
>>     the
>>     upper-left.
>>     It is very incomplete and haven't decided on its final form yet,
>>     but ..
>>     it is very fast and useful already for loading code.
>>     Also, I hope that a file selection tool comes out of this too, as I
>>     think that'd be useful for other Cuis applications.
>>     If you want to take a peek and give me some feedback, that's
>>     welcomed.
>>     Cheers,
>>     Mariano
>>     -- 
>>     Cuis-dev mailing list
>>     Cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st <mailto:Cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st>
>>     https://lists.cuis.st/mailman/listinfo/cuis-dev

Juan Vuletich

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