[Cuis-dev] Plot of a Time Serie

David T. Lewis lewis at mail.msen.com
Mon May 23 18:42:53 PDT 2022

On Mon, May 23, 2022 at 02:22:14PM -0300, Ignacio Sniechowski via Cuis-dev wrote:
> Hi cruisers
> Hope you are all well
> I need to make a graph of a time series.
> In the x-axis dates should be displayed and on the y-axis an index.
> Also I would like to do a scatter plot to calculate correlation
> coefficients.
> Can Anyone can point me in the right direction? I don't know if there is
> something already done.
> Thanks in advance
> cheers
> Nacho
> *Ignacio Sniechowski*

PlotMorph by Diego Gomez Deck is very good. It is described here:


I have used this package in the past, and I like it a lot. I was
able to make very nice graph displays, but more importantly the
elements of the graph can directly reference objects in your image.
That meant that I could click on a point in a graph and directly
browse the objects that produce the point on the plot.

An up to date version of PlotMorph is maintained on SqueakSource at
http://www.squeaksource.com/PlotMorph. This is for Squeak, but the
MCZ package on SqueakSource is a zip file that contains the Smalltalk
source code, so this can probably be imported into Cuis (but I have
not tried it).


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