[Cuis-dev] [FIX] Morph>>#collides: needs more nil checks

Gerald Klix cuis.01 at klix.ch
Thu Oct 20 08:41:09 PDT 2022

Hi all, Hi Juan,

When I tried to use Morph>>#collides: when resizing windows -- I
wanted to stop the resizing process, when the set of colliding
morphs changes -- I discovered that `self displayFullBounds`
may answer nil. (In the same course I discovered,
that I could not use #printOn: to display the resulting
collision sets.)

The attached change-set provides a fix for that issue.

HTH and Best Regards,

-------------- next part --------------
'From Haver 6.0 [latest update: #5496] on 20 October 2022 at 5:32:52 pm'!

!Morph methodsFor: 'geometry services' stamp: 'KLG 9/21/2022 09:52:56'!
collides: aMorph
	"Answer whether the pixels used by morphs touch at least at one place.
	Morphs not in the BoxedMorph hierarchy should answer #true to wantsContour."

	privateDisplayBounds ifNil: [
		^false ].

	"Quick check with display bounds"
	aMorph displayFullBounds
		ifNil: [ ^false ]
		ifNotNil: [ :r |
			(self displayFullBounds
				ifNil: [ ^ false ]
				ifNotNil: [ :myFullBounds | myFullBounds intersects: r ]) ifFalse: [ ^false ]].

	"Precise check with contour, if available"
	(self valueOfProperty: #contour) ifNotNil: [ :contour | | contourTop contourBottom |
		contourTop _ self valueOfProperty: #contourY0.
		contourBottom _ self valueOfProperty: #contourY1.
		^ aMorph contourIntersects: contour top: contourTop bottom: contourBottom ].

	"If contour is not available, and both displayBounds overlap, answer true, as it is the best we can know."
	^ true! !

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