[Cuis-dev] Big News! Cuis is now Unicode and Vector Graphics

Juan Vuletich juan at cuis.st
Sat Oct 29 17:01:35 PDT 2022

Hi Mariano,

On 10/29/2022 7:53 AM, Mariano Montone via Cuis-dev wrote:
> A thing I would like to adjust if it were possible, is that I feel 
> like the font rendering loses some sharpness with VG; some fonts more 
> than others, and some sizes more than others.

You can tweak VectorEngineWithPluginSubPixel>>#defaultAntiAliasingWidth 
and then evaluate `TrueTypeFont allInstancesDo: [ :f | f 
releaseCachedState ].`, to try different parameters for the antialiasing 

Still, I'm curious. Can you post a Display using 
HybridCanvas/VectorCanvas and another using BitBltCanvas? Best if you 
can include some fonts/sizes you feel are sharp enough, and others that 
aren't. If file sizes are too big for the list (I believe it is 500kb 
once encoded in MIME64), please send them to me privately.

One question: What Display resolution do you use? Size of screen? Does 
the `Display size` in Cuis match the OS and physical screen resolution? 
(this is rarely the case on MacOS, unfortunately).

Finally, a screen capture of an editor in your host OS with some text 
that looks sharp to your eyes would be helpful.


Juan Vuletich

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