[Cuis-dev] Why not to save the image?

Luciano Notarfrancesco luchiano at gmail.com
Tue Aug 1 09:07:07 PDT 2023

Personally, I save the image and keep using the same image for weeks or
even months. I also save the changes to my packages regularity and commit
to GitHub. The longer I keep working on an old image, tho, changes to the
new image accumulate and sometimes that makes a bit more complex the
process of installing my packages in a new image (sometimes this requires
making changes in my packages, for example if some method was renamed or
removed). Regardless of how often you save your image, the key point is
that your projects should be packages, not customized images.

On Tue, 1 Aug 2023 at 17:02 Dr. Nicola Mingotti via Cuis-dev <
cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st> wrote:

> Hi,
> One face of the story is this. If you restart the image from a known state
> is like the image everybody else is using. It is easier to compare results
> with others, you just say "i m using image version XX.XXX", do you observe
> the same I do ?
> If you keep working for 2 weeks on one image then then the changes you may
> have done can be substantial. Also, Cuis LET YOU CHANGE the system ! You
> CAN CHANGE the definition of "=" between strings/doubles etc. So, well,
> your Cuis will be your Cuis and equal to nobody else Cuis ;)
> There are other nasty reasons, like, you are human, you will forget the
> details of what you have done 4-5 days ago. The computer does not forget.
> If you save the image, you can shut down the machine, but Cuis will not
> forget !
> HTH, have fun !
> bye
> Nicola
> On 7/28/23 21:57, Szabolcs Komáromi via Cuis-dev wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I just finished reading The Cuis Book and I'm curious about the not to
> save the image recommendation of the Daily Workflow chapter. What is
> the rationale behind it? Maybe a short explanation would be a worthy
> addition to the book.
> This is my fourth try to conquer a Smalltalk dialect as a non-programmer
> by trade and Cuis looks like the most promising candidate from the
> complexity standpoint.  Thank you for the community's hard work!
> Regards,
> Szabolcs Komáromi
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