[Cuis-dev] processCommandLineArguments

Hilaire Fernandes hfern at free.fr
Sun Feb 12 12:02:58 PST 2023

Hello everyone,

I found that when I build a drgeo app, the method 
processCommandLineArguments breaks at start up when there is no argument 
(startUpArguments is empty).

In my bash start up script, if I add a dummy argument -toto it does not 
break anymore.

The method source code shows no safe guard (any first) when 
startUpArguments is #(''):

     raiseExceptions _ false.
     startUpScriptArguments _ #().
*    optionIndex _ startUpArguments findFirst: [ :any | any first = $- ] 
startingAt: 1.*

In previous version of the method, a Stream was used to collect the 

Strangely the bug does not show up in the image I build for development. 
May be related to the startup sequence I have in app image. I can 
provide an archive of the app if it is helpful.



GNU Dr. Geo
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