[Cuis-dev] Some un-accurate information on The Cuis Book

ken.dickey at whidbey.com ken.dickey at whidbey.com
Sat Feb 25 08:37:32 PST 2023

On 2023-02-25 02:17, Ignacio Sniechowski via Cuis-dev wrote:

> 2. This is more of a question, page 31: Internal State: "A variable 
> only visible within the object is called a _private_ variable."

Looking at the text, I think this is still right.

Explaining, at this early point, that code within a class or subclass of 
an object can access instance variables but -- without an access 
selector -- "another object cannot send a message to an object of this 
class to get internal values of instance variables" seems like too many 
"language lawyer" words.

I think the simple way of saying this is less confusing to beginners.

"It is like an egg, but square"  ;^)

How would you say this differently?

Thanks once again for your careful reading and questions !!

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