[Cuis-dev] Fix for VectorCanvas>>#image:at:

Juan Vuletich juan at cuis.st
Fri Jun 2 06:09:18 PDT 2023

I couldn't get that idea to work. Would you attach a changeset?

In any case, another simple but maybe less comfortable solution is to 
enclose the result in double quotes, making it comment.


On 6/2/2023 7:23 AM, Luciano Notarfrancesco via Cuis-dev wrote:
> Oh, just after sending this email I gave it another try and found a 
> simple solution. In SmalltalkEditor>>#printIt I set the color of the 
> output text to Theme current text, and I changed TextColor>>dominates: 
> adding “or: [other isForShout]”. That’s all :)
> On Fri, 2 Jun 2023 at 11:59 Luciano Notarfrancesco <luchiano at gmail.com 
> <mailto:luchiano at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     I’ve been thinking how to prevent the printIt output to be syntax
>     highlighted. I think it’s best to do that because the output is
>     not Smalltalk code, so the syntax highlighter gets it almost
>     always wrong. It could be a preference, or it could be specified
>     in the printOn: methods that know that the output is not Smalltalk
>     code. What do you think? How would you implement it? A new text
>     attribute makes sense to you or do you have any other idea?
>     On Thu, 1 Jun 2023 at 20:53 Luciano Notarfrancesco
>     <luchiano at gmail.com <mailto:luchiano at gmail.com>> wrote:
>         Oh, that’s great, using subpixel antialiasing just solved the
>         problem! Thanks!
>         I’ll try NeoEuler. It would be nice to have fallback fonts
>         too… some math glyphs are missing in DejaVu… but it’s not a
>         big deal. Another minor aesthetic problem is that the syntax
>         highlighter sometimes gets confused with the output of
>         printIt, perhaps would be better to not apply syntax
>         highlighting to the output, or to have the option to “lock”
>         the output text in some printOn: methods so that the syntax
>         highlighter doesn’t change it (perhaps a new attribute? not
>         sure if this makes sense). Also sometimes the underscores are
>         not converted to arrows in a workspace, perhaps this is
>         related to the syntax highlighter getting confused.
>         Thanks!
>         Luciano
>         On Thu, 1 Jun 2023 at 17:42 Juan Vuletich <juan at cuis.st
>         <mailto:juan at cuis.st>> wrote:
>             Hi Luciano,
>             On 5/30/2023 9:06 AM, Luciano Notarfrancesco via Cuis-dev
>             wrote:
>>             BTW, in case anyone is curious, here is how matrices look
>>             when printing them on a workspace with cmd-p. I draw
>>             matrices over the binary field in a special way (first
>>             screenshot), and I scale them down if they are too big.
>>             I did this because it was hard to make matrices look good
>>             when printing them as text, so instead I draw them on a
>>             form and embed the form when printing them. I only do
>>             this with matrices, they are especially problematic when
>>             printing because they print with more than one line, they
>>             are the only objects in my system that need more than one
>>             line for printing. When I printed them as text with more
>>             than one line, printing a list of matrices (for example
>>             an array of matrices, as in the example where I print a
>>             basis of a vector space in the screenshots) they would
>>             look horrible. Now a list of matrices is printed in a
>>             single line as expected, and the point size of the
>>             enclosing parentheses is adjusted automatically (I have
>>             messages Stream>>#withParentheses:, #withBrackets:,
>>             #withAngleBrackets:, etc, that do this automatically).
>             It looks beautiful!
>>             I still have two little problems that I might want to tweak:
>>             1) the parentheses are too thick, setting the point size
>>             is not the right thing to do, maybe we need a new text
>>             attribute for scaling text without changing the point size?;
>             The easiest solution is to use a different font, just for
>             the parentheses. For example, NeoEuler parentheses are
>             much lighter at large point sizes.
>>             2) matrices inside matrices loose the transparent
>>             background, the background becomes black, as you see in
>>             the example in the second screenshot.
>             I guess this should be fixable. If you can prepare an
>             image with such example for me to play with, I'll give it
>             a try. For example (not sure if related) VectorEngine can
>             do blending over translucent backgrounds, but only if
>             subpixel sampling is used. I know, there is no relation
>             between these two features... But I wanted to keep options
>             to a small number, and usually we only use cheaper whole
>             pixel AA and cheaper alpha blending that can't blend over
>             translucent backgrounds. So, maybe just using the SubPixel
>             engine solves this problem, or I'll be happy to take a look.
>>             On Tue, May 30, 2023 at 7:27 PM Luciano Notarfrancesco
>>             <luchiano at gmail.com <mailto:luchiano at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>                 This change set fixes a little bug in VectorCanvas
>>                 that cames up when using the canvas to draw text with
>>                 images on a form (outside morphic). I do this to draw
>>                 matrices, and when drawing a matrix whose
>>                 coefficients are also matrices this came up. The fix
>>                 is simply checking that the world is not nil.
>             Integrated and at GitHub. Thanks!
>             Cheers,
>             -- 
>             Juan Vuletich
>             cuis.st  <http://cuis.st>
>             github.com/jvuletich  <http://github.com/jvuletich>
>             researchgate.net/profile/Juan-Vuletich  <http://researchgate.net/profile/Juan-Vuletich>
>             independent.academia.edu/JuanVuletich  <http://independent.academia.edu/JuanVuletich>
>             patents.justia.com/inventor/juan-manuel-vuletich  <http://patents.justia.com/inventor/juan-manuel-vuletich>
>             linkedin.com/in/juan-vuletich-75611b3  <http://linkedin.com/in/juan-vuletich-75611b3>
>             twitter.com/JuanVuletich  <http://twitter.com/JuanVuletich>

Juan Vuletich

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