[Cuis-dev] Proposed changes to the Push up / Push down refactors

Hernán Wilkinson hernan.wilkinson at 10pines.com
Thu May 25 16:33:12 PDT 2023

Yeah! That is a good idea! I'll add it to the list !
If you or anyone has more ideas or features you would like to have in Cuis,
let me know! :-)

On Thu, May 25, 2023 at 11:21 AM Mariano Montone <marianomontone at gmail.com>

> Hi Hernán,
> El 24/5/23 a las 11:08, Hernán Wilkinson via Cuis-dev escribió:
> >  that is great!!! but we have to synchronize this changes because I
> > have a student doing his thesis working on similar improvements!!
> may I suggest a possible subject for one of those thesis? How about
> structured navigation, selection and editing of Smalltalk code, ala
> tree-sitter, this kind of thing:
> https://www.masteringemacs.org/article/combobulate-structured-movement-editing-treesitter
> .
> For example, I miss the ability to select Smalltalk expressions by
> expression. Instead of having to move the cursor to exact positions, I
> could use let's say Shift+Ctrl+UP several times, and that would select
> the expression at cursor point, then the enclosing expression, etc.
> This is also close to refactoring stuff, like variable renaming and
> other things.
> I'm not sure about the level of difficulty and how realistic it is to
> implement this as a thesis, but I think the result would be both very
> interesting and also useful.
> Cheers,
>        Mariano


*Hernán WilkinsonAgile Software Development, Teaching & Coaching*
*Phone: +54-011*-4893-2057
*Twitter: @HernanWilkinson*
*site: http://www.10Pines.com <http://www.10pines.com/>*
Address: Alem 896, Floor 6, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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