[Cuis-dev] Cuis Image Usage Patten

Mariano Montone marianomontone at gmail.com
Sat Jul 6 10:18:57 PDT 2024

El 6/7/24 a las 12:32, ken.dickey--- via Cuis-dev escribió:
> Another strategy I sometimes use is to save the contents of a 
> Workspace into a file (e.g. call it "work.st" or whatever) and in the 
> fresh image, open the saved file in the File List, select it, and select
>   workspace with contents
> This allows me to easily repeat a number of "Feature require:"s and 
> other bits of setup/test code. 

Similarly, I load an "init file" when starting Cuis on a fresh image, 
using the "-l" option:

I use a custom start script:


./RunCuisOnLinux.sh CuisImage/Cuis7.1-6452.image -l ../CuisInit.st

Then I customize the image. My CuisInit.st source:

Feature require: 'CompactPreferenceBrowser'.
Feature require: 'FeatureRequirer'.
Feature require: 'PackageInstaller'.
Feature require: 'SearchBrowser'.
Feature require: 'MorphExplorer'.
Feature require: 'FlatFileList'.
Feature require: 'PopupFinder'.



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