[Cuis-dev] possible morph bug

Mariano Montone marianomontone at gmail.com
Sat Jun 8 09:04:56 PDT 2024

Hi Nico,

I think there's no performance penalty. #redrawNeeded just sets a flag 
to mark the Morph for a redraw for the next iteration of Morphic 
"drawing loop".

The change does not happen immediately.

So, you can mark as many Morphs as you want for redrawing and for 
layout, and they are updated in next Morphic loop iteration.

If that's the case, then I think it would be good to add #redrawNeeded 
to the #label: protocol.

I can can be wrong, though..


El 8/6/24 a las 12:58, Nicolás Papagna Maldonado escribió:
> Hi folks!
> Not an expert, but my hunch is that those methods don't call 
> #redrawNeeded because it's up to the caller to decide that.
> Escenario: I am changing many things about a morph/button (say label, 
> color, etc) and I want it to be redrawn only when Im done to keep 
> things optimized.
> Maybe that's the case (I'm sure that Juan knows about this).
> Cheers,
> Nico PM
> On Fri, Jun 7, 2024, 21:12 Mariano Montone via Cuis-dev 
> <cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st> wrote:
>     El 7/6/24 a las 16:14, Mark Volkmann via Cuis-dev escribió:
>     > I opened an Inspect window for a PlugglableButtonMorph that is
>     visible
>     > in the world.
>     > I entered this in the bottom pane and pressed cmd-d to "Do it":
>     > self label: 'My New Label'.
>     > The label on the button did not update.
>     Yes. I think a #redrawNeeded should be sent in #label: or
>     #label:font:
>     implementations.
>     > Then I entered this and pressed cmd-d:
>     > self color: Color pink.
>     > The background color changed AND the label updated.
>     > Is there a reason why the label update didn't occur until I
>     > changed the color?
>     The reason is that the #label: message does not call #redrawNeeded
>     (although I think it should).
>     You can solve it by sending it yourself: myButton label: 'My label';
>     redrawNeeded.
>     Same problem if the change of a button label affects the layout (it
>     does). You need to call #someSubmorphPositionOrExtentChanged on the
>     button's owner manually yourself.
>     Not ideal.
>          Mariano
>     -- 
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