[Cuis-dev] search path for packages

Ezequiel Birman ebirman77 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 20 08:17:35 PDT 2024

See Cuis Directory Structure: DirectoryEntry projectBaseDirectory

Also take a look at the scripts clonePackageRepos.sh and pullAllRepos.sh
which are provided to help you update well-known packages, and Cuis itself.

If you debug Feature require: #something, after some Intos, Overs, and
Throughs you'll end up in FeatureRequirement>>placesToLookForPackagesDo:,
(you could go the other way around and ask for the senders of
placesToLookForPackagesDo:, and then ask for the sender senders, and so on
until you arrive at Feature >> require:, but debugging is foolproof).

On Thu, 20 Jun 2024 at 15:18, Mariano Montone via Cuis-dev <
cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st> wrote:

> El 20/6/24 a las 10:40, Mark Volkmann via Cuis-dev escribió:
> > I'm confused about where "Feature require: 'SomeName'" searches for
> > package files. I have a directory named smalltalk that contains many
> > cloned GitHub repos including Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev and Numerics. My
> > image file is found at Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev/CuisImage/Volkmann.image. If
> > I enter "Feature require: 'LinearAlgebra'" (defined in the Numerics
> > repo) in a Workspace and "Do it", it loads fine. But how did it know
> > where to look for it? If I move the Numerics directory to the parent
> > directory of my smalltalk directory, it does not work.
> Packages are searched recursively from directory: DirectoryEntry
> projectBaseDirectory.
> It is a bit more complicated than that actually, look at
> FeatureRequirement>>placesToLookForPackagesDo:
> The idea is to make a base folder (the #projectBaseDirectory), named
> Cuis probably, then clone every repository in there.
> For example, my Cuis folder contains: Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev,
> Cuis-Smalltalk-Tools, etc, etc.
>      Mariano
> --
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