[Cuis-dev] running headless

Mark Volkmann r.mark.volkmann at gmail.com
Mon Jun 24 07:11:09 PDT 2024

I'm trying to learn how to run a Smalltalk program in headless mode in
macOS. I documented all the steps I took. When I run the program, it just
hangs and I get no output. Does anyone see something suspicious in these

To build a Squeak VM for macOS:

1. Open a Terminal and cd to the directory where the VM will be created.
2. Enter `git clone https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm.git`
3. Enter `cd opensmalltalk-vm`
4. Enter `./scripts/updateSCCSVersions`
5. Enter `cd building`
6. `cd` to the appropriate subdirectory for the target OS and processor.
   For example, `macos64ARMv8`.
7. See the instructions in the file "HowToBuild".
8. Enter `cd squeak.coq.spur`
9. Enter `./mvm -A`. This will run for around 10 minutes and
   generate an extreme amount of output.
10. Enter `chmod a+x Squeak.app`
11. Create a symbolic link to the virtual machine that is inside this app
   by entering `ln -s "./Squeak.app/Contents/MacOS/Squeak" squeak-vm`.

To run a command-line app:

1. Obtain or create a Smalltalk image file.
  For example, Cuis Smalltalk provides the base image file

2. Create a `.st` file containing Smalltalk code.
  For example, the file `demo.st` could contain the following:

  | stdout |
  stdout := StdIOWriteStream.
  stdout nextPutAll: 'Hello, World!'
  Smalltalk os snapshot: false andQuit: true.

3. Run the Smalltalk VM in headless mode,
  giving it an image and a file of Smalltalk code. For example,
  `./squeak-vm -headless Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev/CuisImage/Cuis7.1-6452.image

R. Mark Volkmann
Object Computing, Inc.
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