[Cuis-dev] getting a Squeak VM for macOS

Mark Volkmann r.mark.volkmann at gmail.com
Mon Jun 24 18:58:11 PDT 2024

Apparently I can just copy Smalltalk.app/Contents/MacOS/Squeak to
/usr/local/bin which is in my PATH. No need to create a symbolic link. But
it still doesn't work. After doing that, when I enter "Squeak -h" it just

Does anyone on the mailing list have experience running Smalltalk programs
from the command line?

On Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 8:04 PM Mark Volkmann <r.mark.volkmann at gmail.com>

> Can someone that uses Smalltalk on a Mac confirm whether this is the
> correct way to obtain a VM executable?
> - Browse https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm
> - Under "Releases" on the right side, click "Latest".
> - Click the proper file for your operating system and processor.
>   For example, `squeak.cog.spur_macos64ARMv8.dmg`.
> - Double-click the downloaded file to install it which will result in
> Squeak.app
> - Create a symbolic link to the virtual machine that is inside this app
>   by entering the following:
>   ln -s "./Squeak.app/Contents/MacOS/Squeak" squeak-vm
> - Execute a file containing Smalltalk code using that VM executable with
> the following:
>   squeak-vm {path-to-cuis-base-image} -s demo.st
>   where demo.st contains something like the following:
> | stdout |
> stdout := StdIOWriteStream stdout.
> stdout nextPutAll: 'Hello, World!'.
> Smalltalk quit
> When I do this, I don't get an error, but I don't get any output and the
> VM doesn't exit.
> R. Mark Volkmann
> Object Computing, Inc.

R. Mark Volkmann
Object Computing, Inc.
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