[Cuis-dev] String>>#readStream and FileEntry>>#readStream behave differently

Bernhard Pieber bernhard at pieber.com
Sun May 19 12:33:21 PDT 2024

Hi Juan,

Thanks for fixing the issues so quickly.

I may have found another one. Shouldn’t the last two entries in the resulting array be equal?

| string |
string := UnicodeString fromUtf8Bytes: #[57 57 194 160 226 130 172].
DirectoryEntry userBaseDirectory at: 'test' put: string.
{(DirectoryEntry userBaseDirectory at: 'test') = string. "Verify that file contents equals string"
(string readStream upToAll: (string copyFrom: 3 to: 4)).
(DirectoryEntry userBaseDirectory // 'test') readStream upToAll: (string copyFrom: 3 to: 4)}.


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