[Cuis-dev] Documenting Cuis

Mariano Montone marianomontone at gmail.com
Wed Jul 8 17:06:42 PDT 2020


El 8/7/20 a las 19:17, Hilaire Fernandes via Cuis-dev escribió:
> It will require some effort to export to the Euridite wiki like original
> editing format though.

You could do it the other way around perhaps. Write the book in Erudite
and export to Sphinx or HTML. There's a Latex exporter already, and the
PDFs result looks quite good IMO. It would not be too hard to generate
other exporters.

But: I would have to implement better Erudite books persistence to
support easier collaborative editing. At the moment books are just
stored as a single message that returns a book previously serializaed
with #storeOn: . That's very simple, but would be almost impossible to
collaborate using that serialized format. I was thinking of serializing
an Erudite book to its own class, with a method for each section. The
resulting git diffs should be more managable like that I guess.


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