[Cuis-dev] Proposed Terse Guide changes for topics layoutMorph, layoutSpec

ken.dickey at whidbey.com ken.dickey at whidbey.com
Wed Jun 3 18:19:38 PDT 2020


I took a look at the layoutMorph and layoutSpec sections and think they 
need an update.

For one thing, the default color for LayoutMorphs is #gray and gray 
layouts containing other gray layouts are not visually impressive.  ;^)

Anyway, you should fileIn the LayoutUpdate ChangeSet first so that 
axisEdgeWeight changes get shown when done.

Then filein the TerseGuideHelp* files and look at the layoutMorph and 
layoutSpec topics.

I am sure if you do this, there will be plenty of suggested 
improvements, but this is something to start with.

Thanks much for taking a look!

PS: Juan or Hernan, please consider 
4200-CuisCore-LayoutUpdate-2020Jun02-18h41m-KenD.001.cs.st for the main 
image.  Thks!
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