[Cuis-dev] How to filein a fileout from Pharo?

Aik-Siong Koh askoh at askoh.com
Tue Mar 22 10:06:14 PDT 2022

Thanks for helping. The fileout is attached. Aik-Siong Koh

H. Fernandes wrote:
> Hi Aik-Siong,
> The Fileout/Filein is the option I am using to port DrGeo from Pharo 
> to Cuis. Note I am porting from Pharo7 (I think).
> I think the Fielout from newer Pharo should still export to the 
> traditional .st format. You have to deal with the end line character, 
> conversion from \t to \n.
> On line can be done with:
> tr '\r' '\n' < PharoFileout.st > CuisFilein.st
> Can you make public your fileout from Pharo, so I can take a look?
> Hilaire
> Dr. Geo -- http://drgeo.eu
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     Hi:
>     I fileout from Pharo five very small classes that I wrote.
>     I tried to filein from Cuis without success.
>     Please advise.
>     Thanks,
>     Aik-Siong Koh
>     -- 
>     Cuis-dev mailing list
>     Cuis-dev at lists.cuis.st
>     https://lists.cuis.st/mailman/listinfo/cuis-dev

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Object subclass: #ASKoh
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	package: 'ASKoh'!

ASKoh subclass: #ASKStack
	instanceVariableNames: 'logFile lines id'
	classVariableNames: ''
	package: 'ASKoh'!

!ASKStack methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'ASK 3/8/2022 13:52'!

	lines := OrderedCollection new! !

!ASKStack methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'ASK 3/8/2022 19:54'!

	^ id! !

!ASKStack methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'ASK 3/8/2022 17:18'!

	lines do: [ :l | l cleanup ].
	lines := lines reversed.
	1 to: lines size do: [ :i | (lines at: i) indent: i - 1 ]! !

!ASKStack methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'ASK 3/8/2022 13:54'!

	^ lines! !

!ASKStack methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'ASK 3/8/2022 10:06'!
logFile: _logFile

	logFile := _logFile! !

!ASKStack methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'ASK 3/8/2022 19:53'!
id: _id

	id := _id! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

ASKStack class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!ASKStack class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'ASK 3/6/2022 23:45'!
logFile: logFile
	^self new logFile: logFile ; yourself.! !

!ASKStack class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'ASK 3/11/2022 22:21'!
readFromLinesStream: linesStream

	| stack stackLines found stackLine line |
	stack := self new.
	stackLines := stack lines.
	found := false.
	[ linesStream atEnd not and: found not ] whileTrue: [ 
		stackLine := linesStream next.
		stackLine hasBacktrace ifTrue: [ 
			[ linesStream atEnd not and: found not ] whileTrue: [ 
				stackLine := linesStream next.
				stackLine isValid
					ifTrue: [ stackLines add: stackLine ]
					ifFalse: [ found := true ] ] ] ].
	^ stack! !

ASKoh subclass: #ASKStackLine
	instanceVariableNames: 'indent line'
	classVariableNames: ''
	package: 'ASKoh'!

!ASKStackLine methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'ASK 3/11/2022 22:32'!
"#0  0x00007ffef4be5570 in sltp::mm::core::Source::Source(sltp::mm::core::Source&&)"
	| stream string block token |
	stream := line readStream.
	block := [ 
	         string := stream upToAnyOf: Character separators.
	         stream skipSeparators.
	         string ].
	token := block value.
	(token at: 1) ~= $# ifTrue: [^false].
		token := block value.
		(token first: 2) ~= '0x' ifTrue: [^false].
			token := block value.
			token ~= 'in' ifTrue: [^false].
! !

!ASKStackLine methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'ASK 3/11/2022 22:22'!
	^ line = '+backtrace'! !

!ASKStackLine methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'ASK 3/8/2022 20:01'!
indent: _indent

	indent := _indent! !

!ASKStackLine methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'ASK 3/11/2022 23:07'!

	"#0  0x00007ffef4be5570 in sltp::mm::core::Source::Source(sltp::mm::core::Source&&)"
	"Keep function name only."

	| stream block string writeStream token |
	stream := line readStream.
	block := [ 
	         string := stream upToAnyOf: Character separators.
	         stream skipSeparators.
	         string ].
	token := block value.
	(token at: 1) = $# ifTrue: [ 
		token := block value.
		(token first: 2) = '0x' ifTrue: [ 
			token := block value.
			token = 'in' ifTrue: [ 
				line := stream upTo: $(.
				line isEmpty ifTrue: [ 
					writeStream := (String new: 100) writeStream.
					line := writeStream
						        nextPut: $(;
						        nextPutAll: (stream upTo: $();
						        contents ].
				line := line truncateTo: 100 ].
			^ self ] ].
	self assert: false description: 'Not a valid stack line.'! !

!ASKStackLine methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'ASK 3/8/2022 22:56'!

	^ indent! !

!ASKStackLine methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'ASK 3/8/2022 10:06'!
line: _line

	line := _line! !

!ASKStackLine methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'ASK 3/8/2022 14:01'!

	^ line! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

ASKStackLine class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!ASKStackLine class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'ASK 3/8/2022 10:00'!
new: _line
	^self new line: _line; yourself.! !

ASKStackLine subclass: #ASKStackEndLine
	instanceVariableNames: 'ids'
	classVariableNames: ''
	package: 'ASKoh'!

ASKoh subclass: #ASKStackLog
	instanceVariableNames: 'logFile stacks lines combinedStack'
	classVariableNames: ''
	package: 'ASKoh'!

!ASKStackLog methodsFor: 'ops' stamp: 'ASK 3/8/2022 15:34'!

	stacks do: [ :s | s cleanLines ]! !

!ASKStackLog methodsFor: 'ops' stamp: 'ASK 3/9/2022 19:41'!

	| stackLines offset stackLinei ii lineii indent found j linej |
	lines := OrderedCollection new.
	stacks do: [ :stack | 
		stackLines := stack lines.
		offset := 0.
		1 to: stackLines size do: [ :i | 
			stackLinei := stackLines at: i.
			"		'SLCompPropagation' = stackLinei line ifTrue: [ self halt ].
			'SLCompLibrariesMdlRefAndVariants' = stackLinei line ifTrue: [ 
				self halt ]."
			ii := offset + i.
			ii > lines size
				ifTrue: [ lines add: stackLinei ]
				ifFalse: [ 
					lineii := lines at: ii.
					lineii line = stackLinei line ifFalse: [ 
						"self halt."
						indent := i - 1.
						[ indent = stackLinei indent ] assert.
						found := false.
						j := ii.
						[ j <= lines size and: found not ] whileTrue: [ 
							linej := lines at: j.
							(indent = linej indent and: linej line = stackLinei line) 
								ifTrue: [ 
									found := true.
									offset := j - i ].
							j := j + 1 ].
						"self halt."
						found ifFalse: [ 
							ii := lines size + 1.
							offset := ii - i.
							lines add: stackLinei ] ] ] ] ]! !

!ASKStackLog methodsFor: 'ops' stamp: 'ASK 3/8/2022 19:52'!

	| stream stack |
	stacks := OrderedCollection new.
	stream := lines readStream.
	[ stream atEnd ] whileFalse: [ 
		stack := ASKStack readFromLinesStream: stream.
		stacks add: stack.
		stack id: stacks size ]! !

!ASKStackLog methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'ASK 3/10/2022 23:38'!

	| writeStream indents b d firstIndent indent outputFile fileStream fileReference |
	writeStream := String new writeStream.
	indents := lines collect: [ :x | x indent ].

	b := indents asBag.
	d := b sortedElements.
	firstIndent := (d findFirst: [ :x | x value > 1 ]) - 1.
	lines do: [ :l | 
		indent := l indent + 1 - firstIndent.
		indent > firstIndent negated ifTrue: [ 
			indent > 0 ifTrue: [ 
				1 * indent timesRepeat: [ writeStream nextPut: $| "space" ] ].
				nextPutAll: l line;
				cr ] ].
	outputFile := logFile copyReplaceAll: '.log' with: '.txt'.
	fileReference := outputFile asFileReference.
	fileReference delete.
	fileStream := fileReference writeStream.
	fileStream nextPutAll: writeStream contents.
	fileStream close! !

!ASKStackLog methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'ASK 3/9/2022 19:55'!
indexOfFirstRepeatIndents! !

!ASKStackLog methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'ASK 3/10/2022 23:28'!

	| writeStream indents b d firstIndent indent outputFile fileStream fileReference |
	writeStream := String new writeStream.
	indents := lines collect: [ :x | x indent ].

	b := indents asBag.
	d := b sortedElements.
	firstIndent := (d findFirst: [ :x | x value > 1 ]) - 1.
	lines do: [ :l | 
		indent := l indent + 1 - firstIndent.
		indent > -10 ifTrue: [ 
			indent > 0 ifTrue: [ 
				1 * indent timesRepeat: [ writeStream nextPut: $| "space" ] ].
				nextPutAll: l line;
				cr ] ].
	outputFile := logFile copyReplaceAll: '.log' with: '.txt'.
	fileReference := outputFile asFileReference.
	fileReference delete.
	fileStream := fileReference writeStream.
	fileStream nextPutAll: writeStream contents.
	fileStream close! !

!ASKStackLog methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'ASK 3/8/2022 10:30'!
logFile: _logFile

	logFile := _logFile! !

!ASKStackLog methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'ASK 3/8/2022 15:14'!

		printCombinedStack! !

!ASKStackLog methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'ASK 3/8/2022 12:26'!

	| stream line stackLine |
	lines := OrderedCollection new.
	stream := logFile asFileReference readStream.
	line := stream nextLine.
	stackLine := ASKStackLine new: line.
	lines add: stackLine.
	stream atEnd ] whileFalse.
! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

ASKStackLog class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!ASKStackLog class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'ASK 3/8/2022 10:17'!
logFile: logFile

	^ self new
		  logFile: logFile;
		  yourself! !

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