October 2020 Archives by date
Starting: Thu Oct 1 06:19:55 PDT 2020
Ending: Sat Oct 31 05:05:34 PDT 2020
Messages: 155
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Modules/Namespaces for Cuis
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] [IMPROV] Testing and Debugging Deprecated Methods
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Modules/Namespaces for Cuis
ken.dickey at whidbey.com
- [Cuis-dev] [IMPROV] Testing and Debugging Deprecated Methods
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Modules/Namespaces for Cuis
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Modules/Namespaces for Cuis
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Modules/Namespaces for Cuis
ken.dickey at whidbey.com
- [Cuis-dev] [IMPROV] Testing and Debugging Deprecated Methods
Phil B
- [Cuis-dev] [IMPROV] Testing and Debugging Deprecated Methods
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Modules/Namespaces for Cuis
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Modules/Namespaces for Cuis
ken.dickey at whidbey.com
- [Cuis-dev] [IMPROV] Testing and Debugging Deprecated Methods
Phil B
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Modules/Namespaces for Cuis
Luciano Notarfrancesco
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Modules/Namespaces for Cuis
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Modules/Namespaces for Cuis
Douglas Brebner
- [Cuis-dev] [IMRPOV] Changes to the class builder, take 1
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] Cuis CBOR decoder
Philip Bernhart
- [Cuis-dev] [IMRPOV] Changes to the class builder, take 1
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Modules/Namespaces for Cuis
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] Cuis CBOR decoder
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] Refactoring breakage?
Phil B
- [Cuis-dev] Cuis vs SqueakJS
Alexander Shendi
- [Cuis-dev] Cuis vs SqueakJS
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [IMRPOV] Changes to the class builder, take 1
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] Fix of test test01AddingAClassShouldBeLogged
Hernan Wilkinson
- [Cuis-dev] Fix of test test01AddingAClassShouldBeLogged
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] Cuis vs SqueakJS
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] Syntax Highlighting improvement
Hernan Wilkinson
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] Refactoring breakage?
Hernan Wilkinson
- [Cuis-dev] Refactoring breakage?
Phil B
- [Cuis-dev] [IMRPOV] Changes to the class builder, take 1
Hernan Wilkinson
- [Cuis-dev] Refactoring breakage?
Hernan Wilkinson
- [Cuis-dev] Refactoring breakage?
Phil B
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
ken.dickey at whidbey.com
- [Cuis-dev] [IMRPOV] Changes to the class builder, take 1
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] Refactoring breakage?
Phil B
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Class and Metaclass changes to support environments
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Modules/Namespaces for Cuis
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
Luciano Notarfrancesco
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
ken.dickey at whidbey.com
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
Mariano Montone
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
ken.dickey at whidbey.com
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Class and Metaclass changes to support environments
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Class and Metaclass changes to support environments
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [IMPROV] Testing and Debugging Deprecated Methods
Hernan Wilkinson
- [Cuis-dev] [IMPROV] Testing and Debugging Deprecated Methods
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] Minor OpenCL cleanup...
Phil B
- [Cuis-dev] Cuis CBOR decoder
Philip Bernhart
- [Cuis-dev] Syntax Highlighting improvement
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] A possible refactor of the Morph hierarchy
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] A possible refactor of the Morph hierarchy
ken.dickey at whidbey.com
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] A possible refactor of the Morph hierarchy
Phil B
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] A possible refactor of the Morph hierarchy
Luciano Notarfrancesco
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] A possible refactor of the Morph hierarchy
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] A possible refactor of the Morph hierarchy
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] UK Smalltalk User Group Meeting - Wednesday, October 28th
Giovanni Corriga
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] A possible refactor of the Morph hierarchy
Hernan Wilkinson
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] A possible refactor of the Morph hierarchy
Luciano Notarfrancesco
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] A possible refactor of the Morph hierarchy
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] A possible refactor of the Morph hierarchy
Hernan Wilkinson
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] A possible refactor of the Morph hierarchy
Hilaire Fernandes
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] A possible refactor of the Morph hierarchy
ken.dickey at whidbey.com
- [Cuis-dev] Fix to ReturnNode>>isImplicitSelfReturnIn:
Fernando Gasperi Jabalera
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] A possible refactor of the Morph hierarchy
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] In Progress [WidgetMorph]
ken.dickey at whidbey.com
- [Cuis-dev] Fix to ReturnNode>>isImplicitSelfReturnIn:
Hernan Wilkinson
- [Cuis-dev] Fix to ReturnNode>>isImplicitSelfReturnIn:
Fernando Gasperi Jabalera
- [Cuis-dev] Proposal for more tests
Hernan Wilkinson
- [Cuis-dev] Proposal for more tests
Nicolás Papagna Maldonado
- [Cuis-dev] Proposal for more tests
Douglas Brebner
- [Cuis-dev] Proposal for more tests
Phil B
- [Cuis-dev] Proposal for more tests
John Pfersich
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] Proposal for more tests
Hernan Wilkinson
- [Cuis-dev] Quick fix for FFITests.pck.st
Douglas Brebner
- [Cuis-dev] Quick fix for FFITests.pck.st
Hernan Wilkinson
- [Cuis-dev] Quick fix for FFITests.pck.st
Douglas Brebner
- [Cuis-dev] Quick fix for FFITests.pck.st
Hernan Wilkinson
- [Cuis-dev] Quick fix for FFITests.pck.st
Douglas Brebner
- [Cuis-dev] Updates to Cuis Finder
Nicolás Papagna Maldonado
- [Cuis-dev] Quick fix for FFITests.pck.st
ken.dickey at whidbey.com
- [Cuis-dev] Updates to Cuis Finder
ken.dickey at whidbey.com
- [Cuis-dev] Quick fix for FFITests.pck.st
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] BaseImageTests and packages and base image failures
Douglas Brebner
- [Cuis-dev] Quick fix for FFITests.pck.st
Douglas Brebner
- [Cuis-dev] Quick fix for FFITests.pck.st
Douglas Brebner
- [Cuis-dev] Home of Cuis-Finder and Code Ownership in Cuis. Re: Updates to Cuis Finder
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] Quick fix for FFITests.pck.st
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] Quick fix for FFITests.pck.st
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] Proposal for more tests
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] In Progress [WidgetMorph]
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] In Progress [WidgetMorph]
ken.dickey at whidbey.com
- [Cuis-dev] Quick fix for FFITests.pck.st
Douglas Brebner
- [Cuis-dev] In Progress [WidgetMorph]
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] Updates to Cuis Finder
Mariano Montone
- [Cuis-dev] In Progress [WidgetMorph]
ken.dickey at whidbey.com
- [Cuis-dev] Quick fix for FFITests.pck.st
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] In Progress [WidgetMorph]
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
ken.dickey at whidbey.com
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] Refactoring of World Morph
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] Refactoring of World Morph
Mariano Montone
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] Refactoring of World Morph
Hilaire Fernandes
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] Refactoring of World Morph
Douglas Brebner
- [Cuis-dev] [changeset] Tweaks to StringRequestMorph
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] Refactoring of World Morph
Hilaire Fernandes
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] Refactoring of World Morph
Philip Bernhart
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] Refactoring of World Morph
ken.dickey at whidbey.com
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] Refactoring of World Morph
Luciano Notarfrancesco
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] Refactoring of World Morph
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] Refactoring of World Morph
Hilaire Fernandes
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] Saving a CodePackage and determining its class when installing it
Nicolás Papagna Maldonado
- [Cuis-dev] SSL Tests query
Douglas Brebner
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] Refactoring of World Morph
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] Refactoring of World Morph
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC][Proposal] Refactoring of World Morph
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] Saving a CodePackage and determining its class when installing it
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] Saving a CodePackage and determining its class when installing it
Nicolás Papagna Maldonado
- [Cuis-dev] Saving a CodePackage and determining its class when installing it
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] SSL Tests query
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] [FIX] Background Image Resizing if There None (or nil)
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] Saving a CodePackage and determining its class when installing it
Nicolás Papagna Maldonado
- [Cuis-dev] SSL Tests query
Douglas Brebner
- [Cuis-dev] [] storeString freezes the image
Nicolás Papagna Maldonado
- [Cuis-dev] [] storeString freezes the image
Mariano Montone
- [Cuis-dev] [] storeString freezes the image
Nicolás Papagna Maldonado
- [Cuis-dev] [] storeString freezes the image
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [] storeString freezes the image
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [] storeString freezes the image
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] SSL Tests query
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] [FIX] Background Image Resizing if There None (or nil)
Juan Vuletich
- [Cuis-dev] SSL Tests query
Douglas Brebner
- [Cuis-dev] [] storeString freezes the image
Nicolás Papagna Maldonado
- [Cuis-dev] SSL Tests query
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [] storeString freezes the image
Nicolás Papagna Maldonado
- [Cuis-dev] [Erudite] Method references to class side methods
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
Graham Kelly
- [Cuis-dev] [RFC] Namespaces, changes to SystemDictionary, Object and a dictionary class for tracking environment implementations
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [FIX] Resetting Variables in a Workspace ...
Gerald Klix
- [Cuis-dev] [FIX] Resetting Variables in a Workspace ...
Hernan Wilkinson
Last message date:
Sat Oct 31 05:05:34 PDT 2020
Archived on: Sat Oct 31 05:05:56 PDT 2020
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).